xCRUD - is a simple-usage but powerful Create-Read-Update-Delete application for php and MySQL.
Forms can be display in modal view. The modals are draggable. The settings to enable or disable modal view is specific to each form.
By default forms are in normal mode where editign replaces the records list and on return, the list is displayed again
To display forms in Side View you need to define the following line anywhere in your form as shown below
Forms can be display in side view. This means the edit or add form is on the side. of the list. The settings to enable or disable side view is specific to each form.
By default forms are in normal mode where editing replaces the records list and on return the list is displayed again
You can manipulate the themes to specify where to load the edit form. If you are using the theme 'default' You will change 'xcrud/themes/default/xcrud_list_view.php'. You will then move the code section with the class "edit_side_panel".
To display forms in Side View you need to define the following line anywhere in your form as shown below
Tabulator is a powerfull script on its own and can be gotten from Tabulator Site
Xcrud has provided a mechanism to import and utilize some of the features in it. It has alot of features and xcrud 1.7 has utilized a couple of them
To enable tabulator you should follow the steps below
{define xcrud instance properties} //Define table properties here $xcrud->tabulator_main_properties(' movableColumns: true, headerVisible:true, width: "100%", height: "400px", groupStartOpen:true, placeholder:"No Data Available", tooltipsHeader:true, tooltips:true'); //'layout: "fitColumns", ?>
//Define column properties //make the column frozen (basically stuck to the right) and also when the view width is small make it responsive $xcrud->tabulator_column_properties('amount','responsiveLayout:"collapse",align:"right",frozen:true'); ?>
Layout hozAlign | sets the horizontal text alignment for this column (left|center|right) |
Layout vertAlign | sets the vertical text alignment for this column (top|middle|bottom) |
Layout minWidth | sets the minimum width of this column, this should be set in pixels (this takes priority over the global option of columnMinWidth) |
Layout widthGrow | when using fitColumns layout mode, determines how much the column should grow to fill available space (see Table Layout for more details) |
widthShrink | when using fitColumns layout mode, determines how much the column should shrink to fit available space (see Table Layout for more details) |
resizable | set whether column can be resized by user dragging its edges (see Table Layout for more details) |
frozen | freezes the column in place when scrolling (see Frozen Columns for more details) |
responsive | an integer to determine when the column should be hidden in responsive mode (see Responsive Layout for more details) |
tooltip | sets the on hover tooltip for each cell in this column (see Formatting Data for more details) |
cssClass | sets css classes on header and cells in this column. (value should be a string containing space separated class names) |
rowHandle | sets the column as a row handle, allowing it to be used to drag movable rows. (see Movable Rows for more details) |
htmlOutput | show or hide column in the getHtml function output (see Retrieve Data as HTML Table for more details) |
show or hide column in the print output (see Printing for more details) | |
clipboard | show or hide column in the clipboard output (see Clipboard for more details) |
Parsley JS is a powerfull script on its own and can be gotten from Parsley Site
Xcrud on its own has a strong inbuild validation tool as shown in version 1.6 documentation. It uses validation pattern i.e validation_pattern( field(s), pattren )
Now with parsley validation, xcrud is able to achieve validation in a better way. The benefits of parsley is
$xcrud = Xcrud::get_instance(); $xcrud->table('employees'); $xcrud->set_attr('lastName',array('id'=>'user','data-role'=>'admin')); //Activate parslet validation $xcrud->parsley_active(true); //Ensure First Name is alpha numeric $xcrud->set_attr('firstName',array('data-parsley-trigger'=>'change','id'=>'user','data-parsley-type'=>'alphanum')); //ensure valid email and display "Email not valid" $xcrud->set_attr('email',array('data-parsley-trigger'=>'change','id'=>'user','data-parsley-type'=>'email','data-parsley-error-message'=>"Email not valid")); //ensure office Code is between 3 and 5 number characters $xcrud->set_attr('officeCode',array('id'=>'user','data-parsley-type'=>'digits','data-parsley-length'=>"[3,5]")); $xcrud->button('javascript:void(0);','My Title','icon-link','',array('target'=>'_blank')); echo $xcrud->render(); ?>
API | Description |
data-parsley-trigger="input" |
Specify one or many javascript events that will trigger item validation, before any failure. To set multiple events, separate them with a space data-parsley-trigger="focusin focusout" . Default is null . See the various events supported by jQuery. |
data-parsley-trigger-after-failure="focusout" |
Specify one or many javascript events that will trigger item validation, after the first failure. Default is 'input' . |
data-parsley-no-focus |
If this field fails, do not focus on it (if first focus strategy is on, next field would be focused, if last strategy is on, previous field would be focused) |
data-parsley-validation-threshold="10" |
Used with trigger option above, for all key - events, do not validate until the field has a certain number of characters. Default is 3 |
data-parsley-class-handler="#element" |
Specify the existing DOM container where ParsleyUI should add error and success classes. It is also possible to configure it with a callback function from javascript, see the annotated source. |
data-parsley-errors-container="#element" |
Specify the existing DOM container where ParsleyUI should put the errors. It is also possible to configure it with a callback function from javascript, see the annotated source. |
data-parsley-error-message="my message" |
Customize a unique global message for the field. |
data-parsley-`constraint`-message="my message" |
Customize the error message for the field constraint. eg: data-parsley-required-message="this field is required" |
API | Description | ||||||||
Validates that a required field has been filled with a non blank value. If data-parsley-required="false" , validator is deactivated and the field is not required. |
Validates that a value is a valid email address. | ||||||||
data-parsley-type="number" |
Validates that a value is a valid number according to the given step , min and original value .
The default step for HTML5 is "1", which is so counterintuive that Parsley uses a default step of "any" for data-parsley-type="number" .
Warning! HTML5 type="number" can be counterintuitive. The default step of '1' is near useless. Moreover, for browsers that support it, the value accessible from javascript in case of invalid input is "" , so you will never get an error (unless it is also required ). |
Validates that a value is a valid integer. | ||||||||
data-parsley-type="digits" |
Validates that a value is only digits. | ||||||||
data-parsley-type="alphanum" |
Validates that a value is a valid alphanumeric string. | ||||||||
Validates that a value is a valid url. | ||||||||
Validates that the length of a string is at least as long as the given limit. | ||||||||
Validates that the length of a string is not longer than the given limit. | ||||||||
data-parsley-length="[6, 10]" |
Validates that a given string length is between some minimum and maximum value. | ||||||||
Validates that a given input (number or date) or date is greater than or equal to some minimum (number or date.) | ||||||||
Validates that the given input (number or date) is less than or equal to some maximum value (number or date). | ||||||||
Validates that a given value (number or date) is between some minimum and maximum values (numbers or dates). | ||||||||
Validates that a value matches a specific regular expression (regex).
Note that patterns are anchored, i.e. must match the whole string. Parsley deviates from the standard for patterns looking like /pattern/{flag} ; these are interpreted as literal regexp and are not anchored.
data-parsley-mincheck="3" |
Validates that a certain minimum number of checkboxes in a group are checked. | ||||||||
data-parsley-maxcheck="3" |
Validates that a certain maximum number of checkboxes in a group are checked. | ||||||||
data-parsley-check="[1, 3]" |
Validates that the number of checked checkboxes in a group is within a certain range. | ||||||||
data-parsley-equalto="#anotherfield" |
Validates that the value is identical to another field's value (useful for password confirmation check). |
Bulk delete has been implemented so that a user is able to select multiple records and delete or update the records.
When activated the user is provided with the option to select the multiple records and delete or update the records.
To enable bulk selection & deletion the user needs to include the following line of code
$xcrud->set_bulk_select(false,'cd_key','=','EBGC57SXM-VW47I6AF-401X7DYM');The above code states that bulk selection should not be available for the record with the cd_key that is 'EBGC57SXM-VW47I6AF-401X7DYM'. Lastly the user can implement what the bulk selection will do.
function deleteItems(){ var r = confirm("Confirm deletion of " + items.length + " items."); if (r == true) { Xcrud.request('.xcrud-ajax',Xcrud.list_data('.xcrud-ajax',{action: 'bulk_delete', task:'action',selected:items,table:'million',identifier:'id'})) items = []; } }
Inline editing is a powerfull feature that allows data to be edited from the list view by just clicking or double clicking the table cell and editing the data. The user needs to explicitly set the fields that they need to be able to edit through the inline method. To activate the fields for inline editing,the following code is used
You should include all the fields that you want to be able edit using the inline method.
Then you need to specify how those cells/columns become edited. There are two ways. Either through single click or double click
With single click way, user has to click the cell once for it to become editable
With double click way, user has to double click the cell to become editable
Toast Alerts provide a nice way of alerting the user without intrusion and discruption of the current activity. To use toast alerts in xCRUD you need to activate them from the config files. You also need to define which colors to show for either success or failure
You will ammend the following lines of code in the file 'xcrud/xcrud_config.php'.
public static $load_toast = true; //loads the toast js public static $activate_toast_alerts = true; // activates toast alerts public static $toast_success_color = '#1a5589'; //Sets the success color for toast message public static $toast_error_color = '#ff6666'; //Sets the fail color for the toast message
After the lines above have been activated, all alerts will now be in the form of toast alerts. The default configuration of the toast alerts is to appear on the bottom right section of the screen for 10 seconds. This can be changed from xcrud.js file.
With this feature users are able to move to the next record or previous record when in form view either edit mode or view mode.
To activate the next and previous navigation in form view, the code will read as follows
With the above code, the next and previous buttons will be displayed on the form and the user will be able to navigate to the next or previous record
jQuery - http://jquery.com/
jQuery UI - http://jqueryui.com/
jQuery-Timepicker-Addon - https://github.com/trentrichardson/jQuery-Timepicker-Addon
PhpLetter - http://www.phpletter.com/Our-Projects/AjaxFileUpload/
Twitter Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com/
Icomoon - http://icomoon.io/
Tabulator - http://tabulator.info/
Parsley - https://parsleyjs.org/