
xCRUD 1.7 - Complete Version

xCRUD script with full functionality for client use

Price: $29

Complete xCRUD 1.7.25 script,
suitable for use in web applications,
20+ Demo scripts
Themes available:
Bootstrap 5, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3 and Default Theme
for enhanced design customization.
Integration demo script for WordPress, CodeIgniter, Laravel & Joomla
Unlimited usage on client sites
Online support & Comprehensive documentation
Free bug fix updates


enhanced xCRUD script with authentication and role configuration modules added

Price: $69

xCRUD 1.7 - Complete Version
2 Free Themes;Bootstrap 5 & LTE Theme
Unlimited usage on client sites
User configuration & authentication
User & role configuration
Role & menu configuration
Role - window configuration
NO CODE Forms/Windows Capability
Free updates for version 1.0.5.x

xCRUD 1.7.23 Updates


Released on 1st March 2024.

Price: $7 (for existing users email us to get a coupon code and get update for $7)

Panel display activation on grid view:
$xcrud->panel_view(true, 3);
- Whether to activate (true/false)
- Number of panels per row
Demo Link
Dashboard demo using $xcrud->panel_view(true, 3);
Demo Link
Field Element added: drawing/signature. You are able to create a signature with this field:
Demo Link
Field Element added: switch buttons:
Field Element added: range:
$xcrud->change_type("range", "range", "10", array("1" => "0", "2" => "150"));
- Field name
- Field type (range)
- Default value
- Array containing minimum and maximum values
Limiting the number of records that can be added or deleted:
New Callbacks:
- timeAgo: Displays time elapsed in a human-readable format (e.g., "5 minutes ago").
- getAvatar: Displays a circular avatar with the first letter and a predefined background color for each letter.
- getDashboardValue: Displays dashboard values in large fonts with colored backgrounds.
- getStatusSwitchRadio: Displays a radio-like switch button.
- getStatusLabel: Displays labels in a nicely formatted way.

xCRUD Pro Latest Updates


Released on 27th February 2024.

Price: $12 (for existing users email us to get a coupon code and get update for $12)

Additional settings now accessible under Settings > More Settings (Tab):
  • HIDE_ROLE_SELECT_WINDOW: Allows hiding the role select window on login.
  • THEME_CSS: CSS code can now be customized within settings.
  • DISPLAY_REGISTRATION_LINK: Option to display registration link on the login window.
  • DISPLAY_FORGOT_PASSWORD_LINK: Option to display forgot password link on the login window.
  • DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: Sets the default language on login.
  • DISPLAY_RECENT_USED_MENU: Displays recently used menu when enabled.
  • DISPLAY_FREQUENTLY_USED_MENU: Displays frequently used menu when enabled.
Switch Radio Button implemented in User Management > Users.
Registration & Forgot Password Windows now available.
Role users listing now minimized/maximized, showing a maximum of 5 users.
Role select activation/deactivation during login implemented.
Recently accessed menu now available.
Mostly accessed menu now implemented.
TCPDF Integration: Sample PDF Report Display accessible in xCRUD Pro ROLE 'xCRUD PDF Report'.
Minimize/Maximize sidebar state now saved in a session.
Bulk delete button added for tables and nested tables.
Fontawesome (4.7) icons now loaded in table icons.
Notification table added, notifications read from MySQL table sys_notifications.
Side menu search input now available for searching menu items.
CSS class edit capability added for side menu classes.
Fixed edit side panel view in PRO version.
Improved file structure for better organization.
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